Annexation Fee $5,870.00 per acre
Availability Fee $10.00 per month per residential unit
$10.00 per month per commercial equivalent
Connection Fee See Exhibit “B” below for formula and application
Developer’s Plan Check and Inspection Time and Materials for engineer review – inspection & planning review, with a deposit up to 6% of the estimated cost of construction
Establishment Fee $25.00
Excess Density Fee $3,948.00 per E.D.U. for each such unit in excess of the allowable base density
Inspection Fee for each inspection $60.00
Inspection fee for more than two dwellings, commercial or other facilities Time and materials
$60.00 minimum
Interest Rate 6.0%
Lateral Fee Time & Materials, $1100.00 minimum
Late Fee – Delinquent Fee $10.00 for every 30 days past due
Miscellaneous Fees (Lab tests, air testing, and flushing services) Time and materials
Physical Disconnection $600.00
Bank Credit Card Fees Credit or Debit Transaction Fee Minimum $2.00 or 3%
Returned Item Fee $30.00 plus bank fees per item
Septage Receiving Fee 29 cents per gallon of septage from within District and outside the District
Suspension Fee $100.00
Tap Fee $300.00
Compost Sales 1-10Yds – $25/yard
11-20Yds – $20/yard
Over 20Yds – $15/yard

The current minimum monthly rates to be charged as user fees to all service locations within the District are twenty-two ($22) for a residential connection. User fees for non-residential connections are based on the following (Properties with combination of user fee classes shall be charged at the rate for the most expensive use unless otherwise agreed upon by the District in writing.

B. High Density Residential Dwelling (serving by a common water meter or service line) $11/ month minimum per unit

CLASS I A. Residential (individual service connections) (B.O.D. = 205, SS = 180);$3.767/1000 gal + 1.00 = $22.00/Month minimum
1. Single family residences
2. Duplex, triplex or condominium units (each unit)
3. Townhouses
4. Other Dwellings
B. High Density Residential Dwelling (serving by a common water meter or service line) $11/ month minimum per unit
1. Apartments
2. Mobile Homes/Tiny Homes
3. RV/Travel Trailer Parks
4. Duplex, Triplex or condominium units
CLASS II Commercial – billed according to water meter readings or minimum $21.00 + $1.00 = $22 per month per account,
A. High Strength Classes
1. Restaurants (B.O.D. = 1000, SS = 600) $6.741/1000 gal + $1.00 per month
2. Restaurants with Bar (B.O.D. = 600, SS = 400) $5.284/1000 gal + $1.00 per month
3. Laundry (B.O.D. = 450, SS = 240) $4.490/1000 gal + $1.00 per month
B. Normal Strength Classes (B.O.D. = 200, SS = 150) $3.749/1000 gal+ $1.00 per month.
1. Motel/Cabins
2. Bar
3. Office/Retail Shop
4. Schools
5. Laundromat
6. Other
D. Low Strength Classes
1. Car Wash (B.O.D. = 20, SS = 150) $3.187/1000 gals + $1.00 per month
The special class is a temporary rate classification for customers in special circumstances that do not come under Class I or II. The District will prepare billings for Class III accounts based upon estimates of usage, comparisons with similar accounts, data from other sources such as tables published by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, or other methods as considered appropriate. The temporary rate classification will normally terminate with the installation of metered water service to the account.
CLASS IV High Maintenance Areas
Connections requiring an increased or abnormal maintenance expense due to excessive prohibitive materials will be subject to either a $5.00 or $10.00 per month increase in user fees as the proportional share of the increase in operational expense.


Equivalent Dwelling Unit $6,648.00
The equivalent dwelling unit fee applies to both residential and non-residential dwellings. Non-residential EDU’s are based on the size of water meter service.

When lot sizes vary significantly within an improvement District, the methods or means of determining the assessment for each connection will be established at the formation of the improvement district. For a period not to exceed five (5) years after construction and acceptance, a percentage for all future main line connections within an improvement district will be refunded to the property owners. The amount each property owner will receive will be determined by the same method that assessments are determined.

The developer’s connection fee will be the same as individual main line connection fees.